Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bento 15

Hold On, Here it Comes.

New Semester, New Courses. All New Bento's.

Here we go, Picture the first day of a New Semester, Fresh Start. It should be joyful and revitalizing, a motivator to succeed, waking up early prepared to start the day...

Too bad my Monday morning wake-up call was unwelcome and less then timely. I was rushed into my morning routine at the sound of a late alarm, and had to rush to throw cloths into the dryer and to pull the curlers out of my hair (think a bed-head of Grannie-Curlers toddling round a mess laundry room) and was glad to find my Bento from the night before waiting for me to fetch it for lunch (unlike the city bus).

Here it is, in the blue cup we have carrots and celery. Under that is a red cup of shredded pinapple (leftovers), a tin of butter-flake-cake, in the green cup a riccotta serving with tiny cheese cube. Wedged in between things are blueberries, a piece of leftover chicken, raspberries and the piece-de-resistance, Apple Bunnies! These are just apple slices with the peel turned to look like ears, then I tried to give them eyes, and as you can see, one looks rather evil and the other rather nice.


Anonymous said...

i love the apple bunnies - very creative!

Swiftrunner said...

Thank You! Even though one looks a bit evil...